
Supporting Christ Church financially

Standing order

The most helpful way to support Christ Church financially is to set up a standing order with your bank (details below).

Making a one-off donation

You can also make one-off gifts by bank transfer (details below).

Online donations

It is possible to donate online through ChurchSuite but please note that these transactions will incur a small processing fee.

If you have any questions, please email

Bank details

Name: Parochial Christ Church Kensington

Sort Code: 50-30-10
Account Number: 03313301

Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid can boost your donation by 25%. If you are eligible, please fill in this form or email

Giving to specific projects

We are currently raising funds for two major projects.

  • If you would like to give to the floor project, please use the reference ‘floor project’ for bank transfers or select ‘floor project’ from the drop down menu for online donations.
  • If you would like to give to the tower project, please use the reference ‘tower project’ for bank transfers or select ‘tower project’ from the drop down menu for online donations.

Leaving a legacy

Making a will is a way of continuing to steward God’s good gifts after you are gone. To find out more about how we use gifts in wills, please read our giving leaflet. It is best to speak to a solicitor about writing or amending your will to ensure that your wishes are carried out correctly.