Partners 2025
Jesus tells us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
To that end, we partner with a number of churches and networks in London and across the world.
Here are five ways we work together with others:
We send and receive people to teach, train or encourage.
We share news and needs to help us pray for one another.
We give and receive money.
We work with other churches to get the good news about Jesus out to others.
We open up the church building and our homes as resources to others as they seek to make Christ known.
Our partners:
Click the logo to go to their website, and the arrow to find out more
Hope Church Auckland Park is a Christ-centred Bible-teaching church based in the suburbs of Auckland Park, Johannesburg. They are a diverse community of people particularly focused on reaching out to the 70,000 students studying near church, and on training up ministry workers and church leaders. They are also committed to church planting, in the local area and further afield.
James Buchanan is the senior minister at Hope Church. His wife Lucy heads up the pastoral care ministry and is involved with Biblical Counselling Africa. They have four children: Sam, Hannah, Sophie and Rachel.
St Helen’s is a local Anglican church in North Kensington, West London, seeking to reach a wide range of ages and cultures.
Steve Divall is the senior minister and has been serving at the church for 18 years.
A network supporting Christian Unions in universities across the UK. Locally they support Imperial College and the Royal College of Music Christian Unions as they encourage students to live and speak for Jesus.
If you would like to get involved in or find out more about any of our partnerships,
please speak to those already involved or ask our Mission and Partnerships Team.
The role of this team is to:
Annually review the church’s mission budget which is then formally accepted by the PCC.
Assess new and ongoing partnerships with individuals, organisations and churches.
Appoint a link person who maintains a close relationship between the church and mission partner.
Supply the prayer meeting and diary with prayer requests for mission partners through the year.