All Sermons & Talks
The Church that Jesus Builds (Matthew's Gospel)
3 January 2021
Star Wars
Passage Matthew 2:1-12
Speaker Sam Barber
Series The Church that Jesus Builds (Matthew's Gospel)
27 December 2020
God’s sovereign plan for the Son
Passage Matthew 2:19-23
Speaker Andy Fenton
Series The Church that Jesus Builds (Matthew's Gospel)
20 December 2020
What are you talking about this Christmas? (PM)
Passage Matthew 1:18-25
Speaker Andy Fenton
Series The Church that Jesus Builds (Matthew's Gospel)
20 December 2020
What are you talking about this Christmas? (AM)
Passage Matthew 1:18-25
Speaker Andy Fenton
Series The Church that Jesus Builds (Matthew's Gospel)
24 February 2019
True Greatness (2) (AM)
Passage Matthew 20:17-34
Speaker Mark Harris
Series The Church that Jesus Builds (Matthew's Gospel)